
研究员/ minghemo@163.com/微生物学















  1. Xu J, Wang XF, Chen P, Liu FT, Zheng SC, Ye H,Mo MH*. RNA interference in moths: mechanisms, applications, and progress. Genes2016, 7, 88; doi:10.3390/genes7100088

  2. Xu J, Huang Y, Chen XX, Zheng SC, Chen P,Mo MH*. 2016. The mechanisms of pharmacological activities ofOphiocordyceps sinensisfungi. Phytotherapy Research, 30(10): 1572-1583.

  3. Huang Y, Dang LZ, Chen X, Duan YQ,Mo MH*. 2016. An endophytic bacterium synthesizing homologous fragrant compounds as its host plant. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(1): 33-38.

  4. Fu W, Zhang ZX, He YQ, Chen Z, Ma L,Mo MH*. 2015. Synergism between urea and urease-positive bacteria in controlling root-knot nematodes. Eur J Plant Pathol, 141:179- 191.

  5. Huang Y, Ma L, Fang DH, Xi JQ, Zhu ML,Mo MH*, Zhang KQ, Ji YP. 2015. Isolation and characterisation of rhizosphere bacteria active againstMeloidogyne incognita,Phytophthora nicotianaeand the root knot–black shank complex in tobacco. Pest Management Science, 71:415-422.

  6. Xu JW, Ji SL, Li HJ, Zhou JS, Duan YQ, Dang LZ,Mo MH*. 2015. Increased polysaccharide production and biosynthetic gene expressions in a submerged culture ofGanoderma lucidumby the overexpression of the homologous a-phosphoglucomutase gene. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38:399-405.

  7. Li GJ, Dong QE, Ma L, Huang Y, Zhu ML, Ji YP, Wang HQ,Mo MH*, Zhang KQ. 2014. Management ofMeloidogyne incognitaon tomato with endophytic bacteria and fresh residue of Wasabia japonica. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 117, 1159-1167.

  8. Ma L, Cao YH, Cheng MH, Huang Y,Mo MH*, Wang Y, Yang JZ, Yang FX. 2013. Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial endophytes ofPanax notoginsengwith antagonistic characteristics towards pathogens of root-rot disease complex. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 103: 299-312.

  9. Yang PXMa L, Chen MH, Xi JQ, He F, Duang CQ,Mo MH*, Lei LP, Niu SG, Zhou F, Sang HL, Yang FX. 2012. Phosphate solubilizing ability and phylogenetic diversity of bacteria from P-rich soils around the Dianchi Lake Drainage Area of China. Pedosphere, 22(5): 707-716.

  10. Li P, Ma L, Feng YL,Mo MH*, Yang FX, Dai HF, Zhao YX. 2012. Diversity and chemotaxis of soil bacteria with antifungal activity against Fusarium wilt of banana. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39:1495–1505.

  11. Yang LL, Liu J, Ma L,Mo MH*, Li WJ, Yang FX. 2012.Lysinibacillus mangiferahumisp. nov., a new bacterium producing nematicidal volatiles. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 102:53–59.

  12. Liu J, Yang LL, Xu CK, Xi JQ, Yang FX, Zhou F, Zhou Y,Mo MH*, Li WJ. 2012.Sphingobacterium nematocidasp. nov., a nematicidal endophytic bacterium isolated from tobacco. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 62, 1809–1813.

  13. Ma L, Fu W, Huang Y,Mo MH*, Xi JQ, Duan YQ, Fang DH, Yang SH. 2012. A strategy to discover potential nematicidal fumigants based on toxic volatiles from nematicidal bacteria. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(31): 6106-6113.

  14. Yu EF,Mo HH,Zhang Y, Zhang KQ. 2014. Taxonomy of nematode-trapping fungi.In: Nematode-Trapping Fungi (eds. Zhang KQ, Hyde KD), Springer. Pp. 41-230.

  15. 莫明和. 2012.一种广谱性拮抗植物病原真菌的生防微生物及其应用,专利号ZL 201010561580.3.

  16. 莫明和. 2012.一种解磷真菌及其在制备生物菌肥中的应用,专利号:ZL201010590115.2.
