
研究员/ pjzhao@ynu.edu.cn /微生物学


1.1993.09 ~ 1997.07云南大学生物系生物技术专业,获理学学士学位;

2.2001.09 ~ 2004.07中国科学院昆明植物研究所,获理学硕士学位;

3.2005.09 ~ 2008.07中国科学院昆明植物研究所,获理学博士学位;

4.1997.07 ~ 2003.07中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究实习员;

5.2003.07 ~ 2007.12中国科学院昆明植物研究所,助理研究员;

6.2008.01 ~ 2016.04中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副研究员;

7.2012.09 ~ 2013.03美国The University of Nebraska–Lincoln化学系,访问学者;


9.2016.5 ~ 2016.11,云南大学省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,副研究员;

10.2016.12 ~至今,云南大学省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,研究员






  1. Pei-Ji Zhao*, Yan-Long Yang, Liangchen Du, Ji-Kai Liu, Ying Zeng*. Elucidating the biosynthetic pathway for vibralactone, a novel pancreatic lipase inhibitor with a fused bicyclic β-lactone. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 2013, 52 (8): 2298-2302.

  2. Yan Lia,Pei-Ji Zhaoa,(aCo-author) Qian-Jin Kang, Juan Ma, Lin-Quan Bai*, Zi-Xin Deng. Dual carbamoylations onthepolyketide and glycosyl moiety by Asm21resultinextendedansamitocin biosynthesis.Chemistry & Biology. 2011, 18 (12): 1571-1580.

  3. Peiji Zhao, Linquan Bai*, Juan Ma, Ying Zeng, Lei Li, Yirong Zhang, Chunhua Lu, Huanqin Dai, Zhaoxian Wu, Yaoyao Li, Xuan Wu, Gang Chen, Xiaojiang Hao, Yuemao Shen*, Zixin Deng, Heinz G. Floss. Amide N-glycosylation by Asm25, an N-glycosyltransferase of ansamitocins. Chemistry & Biology. 2008, 15, 863-874.

  4. Yin-He Yang, Xiao-Li Fu, Liang-Qun Li, Ying Zeng, Cheng-Yun Li, Yi-Neng He,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Naphthomycins L−N, Ansamycin Antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. CS. Journal of Natural Products. 2012, 75, 1409-1413.

  5. Pei-Ji Zhao, Suo Gao, Li-Ming Fan, Jing-Lei Nie, Hong-Ping He, Ying Zeng, Yue-Mao Shen, Xiao-Jiang Hao*. Approach to the Biosynthesis of Atisine-type Diterpenoid Alkaloids.Journal of Natural Products.2009, 72(4): 645-659.

  6. Fei-Xue Yu, Zhe Li, Yao Chen, Yin-He Yang, Guo-Hong Li,Pei-Ji Zhao*.Four new steroids from the endophytic fungus Chaetomium sp. M453 derived of Chinese herbal medicine Huperzia serrata. Fitoterapia, 2017,117: 41–46.

  7. Fei-Xue Yu, Yao Chen, Yin-He Yang,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Four new dimeric spiro-azaplilone derivatives cochliodones E-H from the entophytic fungus Chaetomium sp. M336. Phytochemistry Letters, 2016, 16, 263-267.

  8. Jing Li, Jin Xie, Yin-He Yang, Xiao-Lian Li, Ying Zeng,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Pestalpolyols A–D, cytotoxic polyketides from Pestalotiopsis sp. cr013. Planta Medica, 2015, 81: 1285-1289.

  9. Yan-Mei Chen, Yin-He Yang, Xiao-Nian Li, Cheng Zou andPei-Ji Zhao*. Diterpenoids from the Endophytic Fungus Botryosphaeria sp. P483 of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Huperzia serrate.Molecules. 2015, 20, 16924-16932.

  10. Jin Xie, Jing Li, Yin-He Yang, Yu-Hui Chen,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Two new ambuic acid analogs from Pestalotiopsis sp. cr013. Phytochemistry Letters, 2014, 10: 291-294.

  11. Juan Ma, Yue-Mao Shen, Ying Zeng,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Two New N-(O-Carbamoylglucopyranosyl)-N- dimethylansamitocins from Actinosynnema pretiosum. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2012, 95(9):1630–1636.

  12. Jun-Tian Li, Xiao-Li Fu, Chun Tan, Ying Zeng, Qi WangPei-Ji Zhao*. Two new chroman derivations from endophytic Penicillium sp. DCS523. Molecules.2011, 16, 686-693.

  13. Xiao-Mei Zhang, Guo-Hong Li, Juan Ma, Ying Zeng, Wei-Guang Ma,Pei-Ji Zhao*. Endophytic fungus Trichothecium roseum LZ93 antagonizing pathogenic fungi In Vitro and its secondary metabolites. Journal of Microbiology. 2010, 48(6): 784-790.
