
研究员/ zhangzhigang@ynu.edu.cn or zwolf2018@gmail.com/肠道微生物整合生物学研究


1998.09-2002.07    内蒙古农业大学,农学学士

2003.09-2008.12    云南农业大学,农学博士

2009.02-2013.12    中国科学院昆明动物研究所,助理研究员

2014.01-2016.12    中国科学院昆明动物研究所,副研究员

2017.01-2019.05    中国科学院昆明动物研究所,研究员

2019.06-至今          云南大学,研究员







3. 以线虫、无菌小鼠、无菌猪以及灵长类动物为模型,探索肠道微生物干预或调控动物复杂性状的机制机理,比如长寿衰老、低氧适应、免疫促进等。


1. Zhang Tao(#), Wu Qunfu(#), Zhang Zhigang(*). 2020. Probable Pangolin Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with the COVID-19 Outbreak. Current Biology 30: 1346-1351.e1342. (*Correspondence author).

2. Wong G(*), Bi Y-H(*), Wang Q-H(*), Chen X-W(*), Zhang Zhigang(*), Yao Y-G(*). 2020. Zoonotic origins of human coronavirus 2019 (HCoV-19 / SARS-CoV-2): why is this work important? Zoological Research 41: 213. (*Co-correspondence author).

3. Li Z, Wright A-DG, Si H, Wang X, Qian W, Zhang Zhigang(*), Li G(*). 2016. Changes in the rumen microbiome and metabolites reveal the effect of host genetics on hybrid crosses. Environmental Microbiology Reports. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12482. (*Co-correspondence author).

4. Yanhui Li, Cheng-Gang Zou, Yu Fu, Yanhong Li, Qin Zhou, Bo Liu, Zhang Zhigang(*), Juan Liu(*). Oral microbial community typing of caries and pigment in primary dentition. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17(1):1-11. (*Co-correspondence author).

5. Zhang Zhigang(#), Dongming Xu, Li Wang, Junjun Hao, JinFeng Wang, Xin Zhou, Weiwei Wang, Qiang Qiu, Xiaodan Huang, Jianwei Zhou, Ruijun Long(*), Fangqing Zhao(*), Peng Shi(*).Convergent evolution of rumen microbiomes in high-altitude mammals. Current Biology, 2016, 26 (14):1873-1879. (#First author).

6. Zhu, L., A.-H. Lei, H.-Y. Zheng, L.-B. Lyu, Zhang Zhigang(*) and Y.-T. Zheng(*). Longitudinal analysis reveals characteristically high proportions of bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria and temporal variability of vaginal microbiota in northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina). Zoological Research, 2015, 36(5): 285-298. (*Co-correspondence author).

7. Li, Z., A.-D. G. Wright, H. Liu, Z. Fan, F. Yang, Zhang Zhigang(*) and G. Li(*). Response of the rumen microbiota of sika deer (Cervus nippon) fed different concentrations of tannin rich plants. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0123481. (*Co-correspondence author).

8. Li Z, Wright A-D, Liu H, Bao K, Zhang T, Wang K, Cui X, Yang F, Zhang Zhigang(*), Li G(*).Bacterial community composition and fermentation patterns in the rumen of sika deer (Cervus nippon) fed three different diets. Microbial Ecology, 2015, 69(2): 307-318. (*Co-correspondence author).

9. Li, J., J. E. Powell, J. Guo, J. D. Evans, J. Wu, P. Williams, Q. Lin, N. A. Moran(*) and Zhang Zhigang(*). Two gut community enterotypes recur in diverse bumblebee species. Current Biology, 2015, 25(15): R652-R653. (*Co-correspondence author).

10. Zhang Zhigang(#), Geng J, Tang X, Fan H, Xu J, Wen X, Ma Z, Shi P. Spatial heterogeneity and co-occurrence patterns of human mucosal-associated intestinal microbiota. ISME J, 2014, 8(4): 881-893. (#First author)

11. Geng J, Song Q, Tang X, Liang X, Fan H, Peng H, Guo Q(*), Zhang Zhigang(*). Co-occurrence of driver and passenger bacteria in human colorectal cancer. Gut Pathogens, 2014, 6(1): 26. (* Co-correspondence author).

12. Zou T (#), Zhang Zhigang (#*), Zou C, Chen K, Dai Y, Tong J, Yu X, Liu J, Chen D, Xu H et al. Subclinical infections of cardiac implantable electronic devices: Insights into the host–bacteria dialog from blood and pocket tissue with pyrosequencing. International journal of cardiology, 2014, 174(3): 545-549. (*Co-correspondence author).

13. Ma L, Zou T, Yuan Y, Lv J, Dong X, Yang G, Zhu Y, Luo J, Zhang Zhigang(*), Yang J(*), Duodenal ferroportin is up-regulated in patients with chronic hepatitis C. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(10): e110658. (*Co-correspondence author).

14. Li Z, Zhang Zhigang(*), Xu C, Zhao J, Liu H, Fan Z, Yang F, Wright A-DG, Li G(*). Bacteria and methanogens differ along the gastrointestinal tract of chinese roe deer (Capreolus pygargus. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(12): e114513. (*Co-correspondence author).

15. Geng J, Fan H, Tang X, Zhai H, Zhang Zhigang(*). Diversified pattern of the human colorectal cancer microbiome. Gut Pathogens, 2013, 5(1): 2. (*Correspondence author).

16. Wu T(#), Zhang Zhigang(#), Liu B, Hou D, Liang Y, Zhang J, Shi P. Gut microbiota dysbiosis and bacterial community assembly associated with cholesterol gallstones in large-scale study. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14(1): 669. (#Co-first author) (Highly Assessed).

17. Zhang Zhigang(*#), Zhai H, Geng J, Yu R, Ren H, Fan H(*), Shi P(*). Large-scale survey of gut microbiota associated with MHE via 16S rRNA-based pyrosequencing. Am J Gastroenterol, 2013, 108(10): 1601-1611. (*Co-correspondence author).

