
研究员/ Fanlai@ynu.edu.cn/寡聚核苷酸药物作用的分子机制

2007年于英国爱丁堡大学获得博士学位。2007-2019年先后在西班牙巴塞罗那CRG、美国费城Wistar Institute、迈阿密大学癌症中心从事转录和转录后调控的分子机制研究。2020年作为云南大学杰出人才引进,加入云南大学生命科学中心任研究员。





1.Lai F,Damle S, Ling KK, Rigo F.Directed RNase H cleavage of nascent transcripts causes transcription termination.Molecular Cell(2020)77(5): 1032-1043

2.Yue J#,Lai F#, Beckedorff F, Zhang A, Pastori C, Shiekhattar R.Integrator orchestrates RAS/ERK1/2 signaling transcriptional programs.Genes & Development(2017), 31(17): 1809-1820

3.Yang M, Liang C, Swaminathan K, Herrlinger S,Lai F*, Shiekhattar R*, Chen JF*.A C9ORF72/SMCR8-containing complex regulates ULK1 and plays a dual role in autophagy.Science Advances(2016)2:2(9): e1601167

4.Lai F, Gardini A, Zhang A, Shiekhattar R.Integrator mediates the biogenesis of enhancer RNAs.Nature(2015)525: 399-403;

5.Lai F, Orom UA, Cesaroni M, Beringer M, Taatjes DJ, Blobel GA, Shiekhattar R.Activating RNAs associate with Mediator to enhance chromatin architecture and transcription.Nature(2013), 494: 497-501

6.Lai F, Thacker J, Li Y, and Doerner P. Cell division activity determines the magnitude of phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis.Plant J.2007, 50(3) 545-556 (Cover)

7.Lai F, Blumenthal E, Shiekhattar R.Detection and Analysis of Long Noncoding RNAs.Methods in Enzymology.2016 Mar. 28th.

8.Lai F, Shiekhattar R.Enhancer RNAs: the new molecules of transcription.Curr Opin Genet & Dev.2014 Apr, 25: 38-42;
